For you.
Arbitration & ADR
The Commission on Arbitration and ADR is ICC Disputes Resolution Services’ unique think tank. To enable thought leadership in the field of dispute resolution, it pools expertise and raises awareness and understanding on practical and legal issues in arbitration and ADR
To adapt to the latest legislative and technological developments and to meet the evolving needs of practitioners and businesses everywhere, the commission also provides input on proposed modifications of dispute resolution rules applied in ICC Dispute Resolution Services prior to their submission to the Executive Board for approval.
In its research capacity, the commission studies legal, procedural and practical aspects of arbitration and ADR in the interest of access to justice and efficient and cost-effective dispute resolution. Carrying out specific projects in Task Forces or Working Groups, its work results in concrete guidance and useful tools, recommendations or model clauses often shaped or included in practical reports and guides published in free booklets and electronic format on the ICC website or in the ICC Bulletin.
The commission’s membership consists of delegates appointed by national committees as well as ICC court members and counts over 1,400 members from more than 100 countries comprising lawyers, in-house counsel, arbitrators, mediators, law professors and experts in various dispute resolution fields.
The commission meets, at least, twice each year to discuss and approve reports and guides.
Swiss Delegation to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
Simon Gabriel, Head of Swiss Arbitration & ADR Group
Commission Members
- Luca Beffa, Baker & McKenzie
- Sébastien Besson, LK-K
- Christoph Brunner, Brunner Arbitration
- Sandra de Vito Bieri, Bratschi
- Harold Frey, Lenz & Staehelin
- Anya George, Schellenberg Wittmer
- Teresa Giovannini, Lalive
- Anne-Catherine Hahn, Wartmann Merker
- Nadja Jaisli Kull, Bär&Karrer
- Alexandra Johnson, Pestalozzi
- Julia Jung, Jung Legal Solutions
- Catherine Anne Kunz, Lalive
- Vanessa Liborio, Orrick
- Jean Marguerat, MLL
- Daniel Marugg, Marugg Dispute Resolution
- Olivier Mosimann, Kellerhals Carrard
- Anna Noël, Etude Anna Noël
- Christian Oetiker, Vischer
- Paolo Michele Patocchi, Patocchi & Marzolini
- Flavio Peter, Peter & Kim
- Stefanie Pfisterer, Homburger
- Anne Véronique Schlaepfer, White & Case
- Geoffrey Senogles, Senogles & Co
- Frank Spoorenberg, NKF
- Urs Weber-Stecher, Weber-Stecher Arbitration Mediation
Corporate Members
- Hannah Boehm, Roche
- Manuel Liatowitsch, Ringier
- Annabelle Möckesch, Implenia
- Elena Neidhart, Philipp Morris
- Martin Strnad, Zurich Insurance
Ex-officio Members
- Diana Akikol, Walder Wyss, Member of the Court
- Simon Gabriel, Gabriel Arbitration, Head of Swiss Arbitration & ADR
- Daniel Hochstrasser, Hochstrasser AG, Member of the Court
- Laurent Killias, Pestalozzi, Member of the Court
- Nathalie Voser, rothorn legal, Commission Vice-Chair
Further Information
Headquarters - Global Policy Commission on Arbirtration and ADR