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Welcome to ICC Switzerland, the voice of Swiss Business in the International Chamber of Commerce
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World Chambers Congress 2021 Dubai

Now’s the time to mark your calendar for the next World Chambers Congress: 23-25 February 2021.

The World Chambers Congress is a one-of-a-kind experience that brings together, in all its editions, chamber and business heads, as well as representatives from international organisations and governments alike. Designed to inspire action and fuel collaboration, the three-day programme aims to develop a sense of shared values within and across business communities, in addition to raising a sense of unity among the global chamber network. 

Registrations open in June 2020.

Join us in Dubai to support the candidacy of CCIG to host the World Chambers Congress 2023 in Geneva.

ICC welcomes renewal of WTO e-commerce moratorium

We welcome the agreement a temporary renewal of the WTO’s e-commerce moratorium! This is an important step in ensuring that governments do not apply tariffs to cross-border data flows — a move that could have severe ramifications from the functioning of the digital economy. 

learn more here

Chambers' Day 2019

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Aiming at bringing the Chambers together, the CCIG, in conjunction with the French, Italian, British and Chinese Chambers of Commerce operating in Switzerland, organizes the "Chambers' Day" to promote the activities of the Chambers of Commerce, as well as to enable the participants to exchange ideas. On Tuesday we had the pleasure to be part of Chambers Day 2019!


A fruitful Chairmans Lunch

Is the jungle growing back? Multilateralism in transition - consequences for Switzerland.“

Speaker: State Secretary Pascale Baeriswyl


We see growing nationalism and protectionism in many areas of the world, and multilateral institutions are increasingly questioned. What are the effects on Switzerland as a small but highly developed country not being part of one of the large blocks? State Secretary Pascale Baeriswyl introduced the discussion on this challenging topic.


Thank you for the fruitful discussion! Our appreciations go to State Secretary Pascale Baeriswyl and our distinguished guests.







5th Geneva Business Dialogue


To stimulate and facilitate the exchange with international organisations and the respective diplomatic representations in Geneva, we continued the Geneva Business Dialogue. We were pleased with the discussions on the topic of “regulatory policy in a changing world”. How can we address the potentially conflicting aspects of digital transformation, consumer protection and innovation in an era of increasing nationalism and protectionism?

A very warm thank you to our speakers and participants! Thank you all for a successful evening with a very interesting and engaging panel discussion.


Incoterms®2020 Launch Event Success

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We were very pleased to have successfully celebrated the launch of the Incoterms®2020 in Switzerland today in Zurich. Thomas Pletscher gave an overview of the products and informed about the mechanism of the trainings. Our expert Alexander von Ziegler did a brief presentation about the Incoterms®2020 and the different changes with Incoterms®2010.


We thank all the participants and our speaker Alexander von Ziegler for an outstanding launch event! We also take this opportunity to congratulate Claudia Feusi and Petra Schnegg-Mann for successfully completing the ICC Academy Incoterms®2020 Trainer Exam.


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ICC Switzerland
Hegibachstrasse 47
8032 Zurich


Phone +41 44 421 34 50